Today we’ll see how the faithful remnant responds in the face of rejection and doubt. Contact me at and look for Marcas Bradley at for a great cd.
What if you share Christ with someone and they say no? See how Jesus responded to those who rejected Him and see some tips for how we can share Christ with others without fear. Contact me at
I’m calling you guys out on this one! Let’s work together to discuss… should we be reaching out to immigrants? Would doing so be Biblical? if so, how would we most effectively reach out to other cultures? or should we only be loyal to the laws of our government? You can email me at
Jesus explains how He is the bread of life to the Jews on today’s podcast. For any questions or comments, email me at or Toby at
What does it mean to say that Jesus is the bread of life? What effect does that have on us? Find out on today’s podcast! COntact me at
Is the King James translation of the Bible the inspired, inerrant, preserved, and authoritative word of God? Let me know if you want to do this interpretation/hermeneutics study! 🙂 Email me at
Movie reviews for “Zeitgiest” and “The Golden Compass.” What is the message that Hollywood is sending to Christians? How do we respond? How do we respond to our friends who are confused by the claims of movies like “Zeitgiest”?
Join me today as we see how Jesus feeds the multitude and steers the disciples into new waters as He begins a new exodus. Contact me at and be thinking about thanksgiving blessings!
What can we say to call into question the authority of the Book of Mormon? What about the leaders and founders of Mormonism? Email me at with questions or comments!