What might we look for on a church’s website to determine if it’s a church we should attend? Should a murderer be punished by God, even if they become a Christian? Should a Christian join the Freemasons?
Are Phillips, Craig, and Dean part of the Oneness Pentecostal cult? Does T.D. Jakes believe in the Trinity? Are women inferior to men, from a Biblical standpoint?
We assert that the Bible is to be interpreted literally…but what does that mean? Email me with questions and comments at Cleanslate.Ministries@hotmail.com.
We assert unequivocally that Jesus ascended in bodily form to Heaven, where He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father as our Advocate, defending us against the accusations of “the accuser of the brethren.”
We assert that one must have faith in Jesus in order to receive God’s grace. The link of Jeremiah Wright had to be removed because of its political nature, but you can find it on youtube! 🙂
We assert that salvation is without merit, that it is a free gift for those who put their faith in Jesus. Email me with questions or comments at Cleanslate.Ministries@hotmail.com.