Week 14 of Proverbs, 7:21-8:9
– Like an ox goes to the slaughter… – The adulterous woman’s house turned out to be a pit stop on the path to hell. – Contrasting the voice of the wicked woman with the voice of Wisdom. – Those who incline their ears, minds, and hearts to understanding the wisdom of the Lord will ..
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Week 13 of Proverbs, 7:1-20
– Wisdom and understanding will help guide us into relationships that honor the Lord. – If we need to wait until it’s dark to do something so that people won’t notice, it most likely means that we shouldn’t be doing it at all. – A description of the adulterous woman, who won’t waste time trying ..
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Week 12 of Proverbs, 6:23-35
– What starts with a desire in a man’s heart ends with incredible loss—loss of things that aren’t worth risking in the first place. – God takes serious offense to the person who steps in and taints marriage with either emotional or physical adultery. – God sees adultery as shamefully reckless, if not suicidal. – ..
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Week 11 of Proverbs, 6:12-22
– The person who speaks out of both sides of their mouth would be wise to turn away from their sin and speak truthfully. Wisdom doesn’t have room for any less! – Part 1 of seven things that God hates. – Part 2 of seven things that God hates. – Parents have the critical responsibility ..
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Week 10 of Proverbs, 5:21-6:11
– Sins against one’s own body are like traps that get set by the same person who gets caught in them! – The words of one’s mouth can ensnare the person who makes hasty financial commitments to support a friend or stranger. – Rather than putting off the things that need to be done, we ..
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Week 9 of Proverbs, 5:8-20
– The consequences of giving in to the temptations of the pleasures of the flesh are serious and costly… – To avoid the weight of carrying a guilty conscience on your shoulders to the grave, consider the consequences of your actions before you carry them out. – God created sex to be a good thing, ..
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Week 8 of Proverbs, 4:18-5:7
– What does the path of the godly look like? Well, for starters, unlike the path of the wicked, it’s illuminated… – The foundational ingredients in the recipe for a godly life starts with a filthy heart washed clean by the blood of Jesus; add a tamed tongue and mix with a disciplined eye, blended ..
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Week 7 of Proverbs, 4:1-17
– David’s experience didn’t come without a price, and he was able to pass wisdom on to his children as a result. – When we pursue wisdom with passion and priority, we receive the promotion and the prize of wisdom. – Running the Christian race is like running a marathon with hurdles set up every ..
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Week 6 of Proverbs, 3:23-35
– For the person who is overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, God steps in and offers peace and rest by trusting in Him alone. – The peace of God isn’t something that can be contained by the person who has it – rather, it overflows in their life so that everyone who comes near them ..
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Week 5 of Proverbs, 3:9-22
– The person who has God’s wisdom seeks and honors God, whether times are good or difficult. – The cost of gold…over $1000 per ounce. The cost of an ounce of silver…still very expensive. But wisdom…priceless! Wisdom and understanding are far more valuable than anything else this world has to offer. – When the storms ..
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