Week 24 of Proverbs, 12:20-13:6
Solomon uses organized and yet miscellaneous contrasts in Proverbs 12:20-13:6 as a means of sharing his wisdom with us.
Week 23 of Proverbs, 12:5-19
Solomon uses miscellaneous contrasts in Proverbs 11:23-12:4 teach us the ways of wisdom, and make us aware of the downfalls of foolishness.
Week 22 of Proverbs, 11:23-12:4
Solomon uses miscellaneous contrasts in Proverbs 11:23-12:4 teach us the ways of wisdom, and make us aware of the downfalls of foolishness.
Week 21 of Proverbs, 11:6-22
Solomon’s miscellaneous contrasts in Proverbs 11:6-22 teach us the ways of wisdom, and make us aware of the downfalls of foolishness.
Week 20 of Proverbs, 10:26-11:5
Solomon’s miscellaneous contrasts in Proverbs 10:26-11:5 teach us the ways of wisdom, and make us aware of the downfalls of foolishness.
Week 19 of Proverbs, 10:11-25
Join us as we look at some of the miscellaneous contrasts that Solomon gives out for us in Proverbs 10:11-25
Week 18 of Proverbs, 10:1-10
– We’ll enjoy our lives more as a righteous person than as a person who stores up treasure through unrighteous means. – If God has given you the ability to do something, get while the gettin’s good! – Will you chose to have your sins or your name blotted out? – One way to ensure ..
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Week 17 of Proverbs, 9:4-18
– Wisdom’s voice is a call for repentance. – There’s no real life apart from God—there’s only wickedness, corruption, angst, and death on a day-by-day, minute-by-minute, second-by-by second basis. – You can prepare a feast of life for a person to eat, but you can’t make them eat it! – Misery loves company, and the ..
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Week 16 of Proverbs, 8:24-9:3
– The wisdom of the Lord is built on an unshakable foundation, and is firmly secure, and thus worthy of being trusted. – The wise person is quick to proclaim, “On Christ, the solid rock, I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.” – Life or death? The decision is yours. Whichever you chose is ..
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Week 15 of Proverbs, 8:10-23
– If we truly see how worthy the wisdom of the Lord is, we’ll value it above all things and “toys.” – The wisdom of the Lord is available to everyone—from kings to the common man. – If you love and treasure the Lord Jesus, you have an eternal and never-ending source of joy and ..
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