Romans 13:9-10
How should the life of the follower of Jesus be affected by the Law of Moses? Music: “Let it Rain” by Priscilla Miller and the CCSV Praise and Worship team. Please support their ministry by purchasing their music on iTunes!
1st Thessalonians 2:4-12
In this sermon from Lynnwood Evangelical Free Church, Pastor Toby looks at some more insight that Paul gives us which reveals why his ministry in Thessalonica was so successful. Music: “I’ve Seen the Lord” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Check out and support his ministry over at!
Romans 13:8
Should we, as followers of Jesus, ever have any type of debt under any circumstances? Music: “Take Me Deeper,” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Please check out their website and support their ministry at!
1st Thessalonians 2:1-3
Three principles that are crucial to us making an impact for the Gospel in the lives of others.
Romans 13:4-7
A continuation of our discussion about civil obedience and what our attitude toward the governing authorities should be . . . and why!
Teamwork, Part 2
In this exposition of Ephesians 4:11-16, Pastor Toby continues talking about God’s design for the church as a team.
Teamwork, Part 1
In this message from Lynnwood Evangelical Free Church, Pastor Toby talks about God’s design for the church in an exposition of Ephesians 4:11-16. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Please check out their music and download it free from!
The Search for Significance
In this message from Lynnwood Evangelical Free Church, Pastor Toby talks about the significance that Jesus has called us into. Please bookmark www.LynnwoodEFC.Org for future sermons.
Romans 13:1-3
Can the governing authorities force us to do evil? Is civil disobedience ever permissible?
The Identity Factor: Who Am I?
In this message from Lynnwood Evangelical Free Church, we look at how our identity changes when we recognize and respond to Jesus’ identity. You can find Toby’s future sermons at