Romans 14:11-12
What is the significance when God makes an oath, and how can we be assured that God will carry through with it? Music: “Glory to the King” by Priscilla Miller and the CCSV Praise Team. Please support their ministry by buying their music, available on iTunes!
1st Thessalonians 5:14-17
Do you ever feel like you don’t know what to pray about? The prayer needs of the world are urgent and great in number. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Please check out and support their ministry at!
1st Peter 1:20-22 – It’s all about Love!
Christians should be characterized by a mutual love for one for the other. This is made possible by the purification of our souls. The goal of the purification of our souls is a sincere love of the brethren. Love begins by obedience to the Word and tells us Love continues to grow by our obedience ..
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Romans 14:10
There are still consequences for our sin, but can we lose our salvation if we sin too much? Music: “Lovesick” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Please check out and support their ministry at!
Not Just Free–Free Indeed
Any freedom other than the freedom that Jesus gives is, at best, a temporary illusion. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Check out and support their ministry at!
Be a man Biblically
Men, are you the leader of your family? Not a leader in the “Do as I say, or you’re going to get it!” leader, but as in a father leading his family to be Godly people way. Do you respect and honor your wife as your co-heir? Music: “Dance in the Desert” by the Ken ..
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1st Thessalonians 5:12-13
A healthy church starts with healthy leadership. Music: “I’ve Seen the Lord” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Please check out and support their ministry at!
1st Thessalonians 5:1-11
Are the Rapture and the Day of the Lord the same thing? Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Please check out and support their ministry at!
1st Peter 1:17-19 – Fear in God?
Fear in God? God does love you, but do you think you can live your life as if the blood of Christ sacrificed for us was not something of infinite value? Music: “Lovesick” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Please support his ministry over at!
Romans 14:7-9
The call to radically holy living includes unity among believers. Music: “More Than Anything” by Priscilla Miller and the CCSV praise team. You can find their music on iTunes and support their ministry!