The Biblical Principles of Reconciliation with God, from James 4:7-10. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band. Please support their ministry at!
Who are the people that impacted Paul, and how did they impact him? Music: “I am Yours” by Dan Smith. Please check out and support his ministry at!
What is the role that women played in the early church, and what roles should women have in today’s church? Music: “I’m Yours” by Dan Smith. Check out and support his ministry at!
Jesus gives us a deeper look at the seed parables. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson band. Check out and support their ministry at!
How do we know when our going about or our giving is in accordance with God’s plans and desires for us? Music: “I Am Yours” by Dan Smith. Check out and support his ministry at!