“Dealing With Death” – a lesson on dealing Biblically with the grief that often accompanies the death of a loved one, and the importance of clinging to the living hope that Christians have in Christ when we do grieve.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson band
“Grief, Honor, and Certain Judgment” – a lesson on how we should respond to the death of the wicked and other instances in which God’s just judgment has certainly been rendered.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
“A Radical Call to Sexual Purity” – a lesson on what adultery is in God’s eyes, God’s good gift of sexual intimacy, and the importance of sexual purity in the life of the Christian.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band.
“The Good News of a Dead and Godless King” – a lesson on the importance of living for things that matter, and the vanity of gaining the whole world and yet losing one’s soul.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
“Strengthened In and For the Lord” – a lesson on the difference it makes when we set our minds on the Lord and His promises, grasping them by faith and walking in obedience to what He has instructed.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band.
“David’s Incompatibility with the Philistines” – a lesson on the wisdom of God having ordained that there would always exist an enmity – an incompatibility – between children of God and the world.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson band
“Disbelief and Darkness” – a lesson on the danger of waiting to come to the Lord in saving, yielding faith.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band.
“Anger, Murder, and Reconciliation” – a lesson on the religion that pleases God: the religion that is primarily concerned with the heart of man, and only secondarily on external behaviors.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
“Dwelling in the Domain of God’s Enemies” – a lesson on the foolishness of not trusting in God’s covenant promises and of leaning on whatever understanding we may have.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
“The Wise and the Foolish” – a lesson on trusting God to deal with the wicked. While we don’t know how God will deal with them, He’s promised that He will, and while His ways might not be clear to us, our way – trusting and obeying the Lord – is clear.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band