Psalm 53
“A Diagnosis of Humanity’s Condition” – a lesson on the doctrine of man’s radical depravity, the grace of God, and the foolishness of living as if God doesn’t exist. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
John 19:23-24
“The Shame of Calvary” – a lesson on the origin of shame, why and how Christ felt and despised the shame of Calvary, and how we have been freed from shame by Christ’s work of redemption. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
John 19:19-22
“Let the Nations be Glad!” – a lesson on the Kingship of Christ over all peoples and nations, as proclaimed on Calvary, and how the cross reveals who people really are. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
John 19:17-19
“A Tale of Two Thieves” – A lesson on the way that the thieves on either side of Jesus are an illustration of every person, and how they remind us of our need for God’s grace, and the danger of putting off believing the Gospel. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
John 19:13-16
“Behold Your King!” – A lesson on the folly of being a friend of the world, and the surpassing excellence of following and being a friend of Jesus. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
John 19:6-12
“Pilate’s Fear of Man” – a lesson on the reality that what we fear is what controls us, and that if we fear man, it’s because we don’t have a proper fear of God. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
John 19:1-6
“Behold The Man” – a lesson on ourselves, our inability to do anything good apart from God’s grace working in and through us, our hatred of God by nature, and God’s overwhelming, overcoming, transforming, redeeming love and grace for sinners like us. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band.
Psalm 51
“Nothing in My Hand I Bring” – A lesson on the believer’s contrition before God when we sin against Him. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
John 18:39-40
“Barabbas’ Pardon” – a lesson on substitutionary atonement, as illustrated in the pardon issued to an insurrectionist murderer named Barabbas. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
John 18:28-38
“The Collision of Two Kingdoms” – a lesson on the reality that Christians live in two kingdoms (an earthly kingdom and the Kingdom of God), but must give our highest loyalty to only one. Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson band